I Wake Today

Friday, January 30, 2009

I wake today,
get out of bed,
then stretch and yawn
and scratch my head.

I find my clothes.
I pull them on
while stifling
another yawn.

I grab a breakfast
bar for fuel,
and hoist my pack
and head to school.

When I arrive
I'm truly shocked.
The lights are off.
The door is locked.

I check my watch.
It's me, not them.
I woke too soon.

It's 4pm....


Anonymous said...

ngelindur kali yah kata orang mah.... hehe

- Rika -

Anonymous said...

hayo tebak sapa aqyu..

O.. O.. O...sapa aqyu
eh jd nyayi, nyanyi apa hayo??!
loh koq jd tebak-2 kn se..

blogmu bnr-2 inspirasi bwt q, sering bagi-2 info bu, n trz sharing biar q jg bs lebih dewasa bwt jalani hidup yg sbentar ini.
bentar-2 sedih
bentar-2 seneng
bentar-2 tajir
bentar-2 bokek
bentar-2 ......

hdp mang sebentar ya..

miss uuu forever bu..
don't forget me ya..

Anonymous said...

eh coy koq gak masuk...

Rika Hasanah said...

aduh yayuk coy ... aq tau...dana toh...hehehe